Macro Water Drops!
I've wanted to tackle this type of photography for quite some time and finally got a little time for it recently. Basically, it is a macro shot of a drop of water hitting a pool of water. If you are satisfied with that explanation, then there is no reason to read on, just enjoy the photos.
The Setup: If you want the whole explanation of how I got these shots, here goes. I set a clear pan on a piece of bright red paper and filled it with water. Then I put another bright red paper eighteen inches above the pan and had a flash aimed at the paper from above. Finally, I used a bright blue background with another flash aimed at it. In this way, the water would reflect blue on the horizontal planes, and red on the vertical planes. These are not photoshopped, except that I converted them from Raw to Jpeg with Adobe Camera Raw with high contrast and clarity, also boosting the vibrancy and saturation. My camera sensor is needs to be cleaned so I did clone out some dust spots. Several shots are cropped slightly to realign the center.
Technical: Shot with a Nikon 135mm F 2.8 with 60mm Extension Tube achieving Macro magnification. 1/200, F5.6, ISO 100. Strobist: YN560 strobe at 1:64 power on background and a Smith Victor slave flash 1:1 on the top color paper.
Quote of the Day:
"No one can "get" an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process."
— Louis L'Amour