Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to My Wonderful Wife! Since our son, Johnathan, can't write yet, I had to write this post on his behalf!

What an "adventurous" time it was as we were expecting our son! We knew so many changes were about to take place, yet, we could never have imagined all the joy this new baby would bring to us. Throughout the pregnancy, Tracy's loving motherhood expressed itself in the way she cared for the baby she carried. Changing her lifestyle and diet were only a few of the things she did to protect her unborn baby.

40 Weeks

Immediately after Johnathan's birth, Tracy cherished every moment she had to hold our new son!

Mother and Baby

What a Precious Baby God Brought into our lives!

Baby boy soft

No baby ever had a better, more loving mother than Johnathan does!

Filmstrip Baby Montage

As he continues to grow, he knows that his mother will always take time for him.

Playing in the Snow

And now, as she caries his sibling, Johnathan wants his mother to know that he loves her with all his heart and is so thankful that he has the best mother in the world!

Johnathan in Flower Garden

Tracy, we love you so much! You are the best mother (and wife) in the world!


Ellen May 9, 2010 at 12:53 PM  

What a wonderful Mother's Day for Tracy!

Mommy (Tracy) May 9, 2010 at 3:16 PM  

Thank you so much, Johnathan! Mommy loves you so much too! Thank you to your Daddy for his "assistance" on this post! ~Love, Mommy

Andrea Hamilton May 9, 2010 at 5:52 PM  

Great pictures! I really like the one where he is peeking around the bush!

Rosa B. May 11, 2010 at 7:36 AM  

I'd have to agree with Johnathan in that he does have a wonderful mother! :) Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Tracy! ;)



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